1. Features
  2. Rally for Admins

Your Campaign Dashboard

Your Campaign Dashboard consists of five pages: Content, Analytics, People, Invitations, and Exports. You can switch between pages by clicking on the page names in the top left, under the Campaign name:


The Analytics page gives Organization Admins a high-level overview of their relational program’s performance. The data on this page represents mobilizers, contacts, and actions within your Campaign. 


This table provides definitions for each of the metrics you’ll find on the Analytics page of your Campaign Dashboard:

Total Mobilizers The total number of users who have joined your Campaign. 
Total Contacts The total number of contacts who have been added to your Campaign. This includes contacts who have been matched to the voter file, and those who haven’t. 
Average Contacts per Mobilizer The average number of contacts added per mobilizer. This includes both matched and unmatched contacts. 
Contacts Matched to Voter File The percentage of total contacts who have been matched to the voter file. 
Contacts Received Relational Touchpoints The number of unique contacts in this Campaign who have received at least 1 relational touchpoint. Relational touchpoints are any relational action taken on a contact, including actions completed, notes recorded, and answers to the Key Question.  
Total Relational Touchpoints The total number of relational touchpoints taken in your Campaign. Relational touchpoints are any relational action taken on a contact, including actions completed, notes recorded, and answers to the Key Question.  
Campaign Ladder The distribution of responses to your Key Question, and what percentage of contacts have a Key Question response recorded. 
Actions Action activity within your Campaign. Contacts Responded refers to the percentage of eligible contacts for whom a response is recorded. (Since actions are targeted to Key Question responses, actions will have different numbers of possible respondents.)


The People page gives you an in-depth look at the mobilizers and contacts that are a part of your Campaign.

Within the Mobilizer table you’ll find a list of all mobilizers (users) who have joined your Campaign. In addition to their personal information you will also see their performance metrics including: 

  • Total Contacts: The total number of contacts this mobilizer has added to this campaign. This includes contacts who have been matched to the voter file, and those who haven’t.
  • % Matched Contacts: The percentage of this mobilizer’s contacts who have been matched to the voter file. 
  • % Contacts with 1+RT: The number of this mobilizer's contacts who have received at least 1 relational touchpoint. Relational touchpoints are any relational action taken on a contact, including actions completed, notes recorded, and answers to the Key Question. 
  • % Contacts with Key Question Responses: The percentage of this mobilizer’s contacts for whom the mobilizer has answered the Key Question. 
  • Last Active At
  • Voter File Match Status: Whether or not they have matched themselves to the voter file.

You can click on a mobilizer’s name to see a detailed profile page for that mobilizer, and get drilled-down info on their contacts and completed actions. Additionally, you can leave management notes such as record how a 1:1 with them went, and see notes that they have recorded for their contacts.

The Contacts table displays information on the contacts mobilizers have added to the Campaign. For each contact you will see their:

  • Voter File Match Status
  • Response to the Key Question
  • Action Responses - All of the contact’s responses to action items. These columns will either be named with the action’s title, or, where the admin has set it, the action’s nickname. The total number of Relational Touchpoints taken on this contact, including actions completed, notes recorded, and answers to the Key Question.  

There are also filters on many of the data columns that can help sort or drill down information. Exports of more detailed data can be accessed via the Exports page.


The Invitations page allows you to invite Mobilizers to join your Campaign, and allows you to see everyone who has been invited to join the Campaign. Note: You will only be able to see individuals who were invited to join via email invitation from this page, you will not be able to see individuals who were just sent the landing page url.

From the Invitations Page, you can invite new Mobilizers to join your Campaign on Rally by sharing the Landing Page URL with them, or by sending them an email invite. To invite a new Mobilizer via email click on “+ Invite Mobilizer.” Enter their email address and first and last name. Then, click on “Save & Invite,” this will send them an email invitation to join the Campaign on Rally.

  • Note - Mobilizers who join a passcode-protected campaign via email invitation will not have to enter the passcode in order to join.

Additionally, the Invitations Table displays everyone who has been invited to join your Campaign as a Mobilizer. Within the table, you’ll see their names, who they were invited by, and the email address the invite was sent to, as well as the date the invite was sent, the date it expires, and, if applicable, the date it was accepted.


This page gives you a high-level look at your Campaign’s action items, details, and Campaign Ladder  Organization Admins can edit these from this view as well.


From the Exports page you can download csv reports containing data from the People and Analytics pages. 

There are three different exports available:

  • Mobilizers Export - This export contains information about the mobilizers in your program. It includes their names, voter file IDs, contact information, and a few high level statistics about their performance in this campaign. 
  • Note: More detailed information about an individual mobilizer's performance is available on their mobilizer profile page. Those profile pages are accessible by clicking on a mobilizer’s name in the  "Mobilizers" table in the "People" tab.
  • Contacts Export - This export contains information about all the contacts that the mobilizers in this campaign have reached. It includes their names, voter file IDs, locations, and key question responses.
  • Contact Action Responses - This export contains all the multiple choice and free text action item responses that mobilizers have collected from their contacts in this campaign. It includes the contact's name and voter file IDs along with the action item's name and the response that the mobilizer collected from their contact.

You can access these exports by clicking on “Download Data.” To learn more about the data included within these exports, please check out our Data Dictionary.