1. Using Rally
  2. Rally for Mobilizers

Who should I rally? Brainstorm your network

We’re here to help you rally the people you know to vote. It can be hard to think of people we know in different contexts. We’ve put together a list of ideas to help you think of people you know from all parts of your life. 

Once you’ve got a good idea of people to add, tap “add contact” to add them to your list in Rally. This tool will help you organize your list of people and what you’ll do to persuade and turn them out to vote. 

(We’re especially focusing on people who live in the state or district of the election you’re organizing for. If you aren’t sure, add them! We’ll check for everyone you add against the official record of registered of voters, which will tell us exactly which elections they are eligible to vote in).  


  • Your family
  • Your close friends
  • Make a list of everyone you would invite to a birthday party
  • Make a list of everyone you would invite to a wedding 
  • Make a list of people you would call if you were feeling sad or if you had exciting news to share
  • Write down anyone you live with
  • Write down people you know through to your close friends, family, and household members (For example, your roommate’s girlfriend; your brother’s best friend, etc) 
  • If you go to school or work, make a list of people you interact with in those places
  • If you are part of a group like a theater troupe, book club, or sports team, list the people you know in that context
  • If you are part of a religious community, like a mosque or synagogue or church, list the people you know from there
  • If you care for kids, make a list of people you interact with while caring for kids. Parents or caretakers of other kids you see at school or the playground; babysitters; etc
  • If there are businesses you go to regularly, like a grocery store or favorite coffee shop, think about people who work in those places who you might be friendly with
  • Teenagers - do you know anyone who has recently turned 18 or who will soon turn 18? Those might be great people to help register to vote and then turn out to vote! 
  • People from the past - old teachers, colleagues, classmates, pals who you don’t talk to much right now but could reach out to 


  • Are there people you talk to on the internet, on forums or online communities? Who are they?
  • Facebook friends! On Facebook, you can search for friends who live in a particular state or town. Just type “Friends in [YOUR STATE HERE]” in the search bar
  • Linkedin connections. Just like Facebook, you can search for connections by location in the search bar. 
  • Snapchat friends - If you’re on Snapchat, who do you communicate with there? Look through your list of friends
  • Friends on Instagram - Look through your list of friends
  • Other social media or online spaces - Are you on BeReal, Nextdoor, Reddit, Tiktok, Twitter, or other platforms? Look through your connections there.
  • Facebook events - Have you hosted or attended any Facebook events? Look through the invite list for events you’ve been a part of (or just invited to!)
  • Video games - do you play video games with certain people? List them! 


  • Look through the contacts in your phone 
  • If you use other messaging platforms like Whatsapp, GroupMe, Signal, or anything else, look through your contacts there
  • Who do you email with? 
  • Are you on any email listservs? Have you been in the past? Look through the members of any lists you are on 
  • Do you play phone games with anyone regularly? 


  • Go through old yearbooks 
  • People you’ve volunteered with
  • Look through group pictures and list people you are in pictures with