Rally Admin Dictionary

The table below breaks down terms you’ll see in Rally. 

Actions Actions are tasks or questions mobilizers complete within their relationship with a contact. You can create actions in the Content page of your Campaign Dashboard. Actions can be free response prompts, multiple choice survey questions, or simple tasks. You can target actions to show up only for contacts with certain Key Question responses. Mobilizers see actions within their dashboard and on individual contact pages.
Average Contacts per Mobilizer The average number of contacts added per mobilizer within a Campaign or Organization. This includes both contacts who have been matched to the voter file and those who have not.
Campaign A Campaign is an initiative created by an Organization. A Campaign has a Campaign Ladder (a ladder of engagement or support that measures progress towards your goal), Actions (tasks for mobilizers to do, like talking with their contacts about an issue, asking them questions, or sharing resources), and a dedicated dashboard within Rally Admin.
Campaign Dashboard The home base of your Campaign. If you have multiple Campaigns, you will have multiple Campaign dashboards, which you can access from your Organization Dashboard. Your Campaign Dashboard has 4 pages: Analytics (where you can see data from your Campaign once it’s active); People (where you can see all of the mobilizers and contacts in your Campaign), Invitations (where you can invite mobilizers); Content (where you can see and edit actions and Campaign details); and Exports (where you can download your data).
Campaign Ladder The central ladder of support or engagement for your Campaign. Mobilizers answer Key Questions to place their contacts along the ladder, then complete actions to move them to the next rung.
Campaign Status - Active Your campaign will be automatically published on Rally and mobilizers will be able to join from your campaign landing page.
Campaign Status - Draft Your campaign will not be published and will only be visible to other admins. You can set your campaign to "Active" later once you are ready to launch.
Campaign Status - Closed Your campaign will be closed to new participants and mobilizers who have already joined will no longer be able to complete actions.
Contact A friend, family member, or acquaintance a mobilizer adds to Rally.
Contacts Matched to Voter File The percentage of total contacts within a Campaign, Organization, or mobilizer’s network who have been matched to the voter file.
Contacts Received Relational Touchpoints The number of unique contacts in a Campaign, Organization, or mobilizer’s network who have received at least 1 relational touchpoint. Relational touchpoints are any relational action taken on a contact, including actions completed, notes recorded, and answers to the Key Question.
Mobilizer A user who has joined your Campaign.
Organization Admin An administrator of an Organization. Organization Admins can invite other Organization Admins, see and edit all Campaigns within an Organization, as well as create new ones. At this time, Organization Admin is the only available administrator role – but more to come soon!
Organization Dashboard The Organization Dashboard is your Organization home. It’s where you can create a Campaign, invite Organization Admins, edit your Organization’s details, and access all of your Organization’s Campaigns.
Relational Touchpoints Relational touchpoints are any relational action taken on a contact, and include actions completed, notes recorded, and answers to the Key Question.
Response Notes Response notes are notes from mobilizers about Key Question responses. Recording a note on a Key Question response is optional, so not all responses will have a corresponding note. You can see response notes in the Analytics page of your Campaign Dashboard.
Total Contacts The total number of contacts who have been added to a Campaign, an Organization, or an individual mobilizer’s network, depending on where you’re seeing this metric. This includes contacts who have been matched to the voter file, and those who haven’t.
Total Mobilizers The total number of users who have joined an individual Campaign (if you’re seeing this metric in a Campaign Dashboard), or all Campaigns across an Organization (if you’re seeing this metric in your Organization Dashboard).
Total Relational Touchpoints The total number of relational touchpoints taken in your Campaign or Organization.
Value A numerical scale mapped to your Key Question responses. Think of these like rungs on your Campaign Ladder. For example, if someone starts at a 5, you want to move them closer to 1. If you plan on exporting responses to a platform like VAN, we recommend assigning numerical values to your responses.