1. Features
  2. Rally for Admins

Mobilizer Profiles

This article will walk you through mobilizer profiles, what they are, how to access them, and how they can help you effectively manage your Mobilizers.

Navigating to Mobilizer View

From any saved View on the Mobilizer tab, you can select a Mobilizer to reveal their Mobilizer profile, Mobilizer profiles provide detailed insight into the Mobilizer’s individual performance and network. 

Using the search bar in the top left of a Mobilzier View allows you to search for a specific Mobilizer by name, phone number, or email.  

Basic Information & Topline Metrics

The top of the Mobilizer page shows basic information and topline metrics of the Mobilizer’s performance at the highest level. The table below provides definitions for each.

Metric Definition
Email Email entered by Rally Mobilizer when they set up their Rally profile.
Phone Number Phone number entered by Rally Mobilizer when they set up their Rally profile.
Joined Campaign At The timestamp of when the Mobilizer joined the Campaign.
Last Activity At Time stamp reflecting when the Mobilizer last recorded any activity in Rally within the Campaign.
Contacts The total number of contacts who have been added by the Mobilizer. This includes contacts who have been matched to the voter file, and those who haven’t.
Matched Contacts The total number of contacts who have been added by the Mobilizer and matched to the voter file.
Relational Touchpoints Relational touchpoints are defined as any relational action taken on a contact – including actions completed, notes recorded, and answers to the Key Question. The relational touchpoints section shows the total number of relational touches the Mobilizer has recorded with their contacts.
Key Question Responses The total number of Key Question responses the Mobilizer has recorded for their contacts.

Mobilizer’s Network | Map

This section of the Analytics page provides an in-depth, geographic look at the Mobilizer’s network of contacts through an interactive map and detailed demographics!

By hovering your cursor over the map you can:

  • Zoom in and out, by centering your cursor over the desired area of focus and scrolling up to zoom in or scroll down to zoom out.
  • To move the map around, click and drag in the opposite direction. For example, if you want to move to view an area south of what you are looking at, click and drag in an upwards direction.

Note: You can re-center a map at any time by clicking on the “Center Map” button in the top left corner of the map.


This map aggregates the contacts the Mobilizer is rallying for your cause. The darker the cell, the more contacts are in that cell. Locations are based on the addresses associated with the contacts’ voter file records. The map is centered on the state in which the Mobilzer has the most contacts.

Note: The map only shows voter file matched Mobilizers because the mapping is based on the voter file address.

Located underneath the map is a top-level overview of the reach of the Mobilizer’s network. Under the network reach numbers are more details about Contacts in the Mobilizer’s network. The details and demographics shown include breakdowns by:

  • Geography (State and County)
  • Voting districts (Congressional, State Senate, and State House)
  • Voter file match status
  • Voter registration status
  • Registered political party
  • Voting history in previous elections
  • Tags applied through voter file tagging

Each metric includes a summary of the displayed metric, along with the individual values that make up the displayed metric. To see all of the values in a metric, you may need to hover over the values and scroll up or down.

Mobilizer’s Activity

The top of the “Activity” tab within the Moblizer profile displays statistics on Key Question Responses, Relational Touchpoints, and Action Item Responses. Descriptions of those statistics are below:

Metric Definition
Key Question Responses

A breakdown of Key Question responses including:

  • Total number of Key Question responses
  • Count and percentage of Contacts that have and have not had recorded Key Question responses
  • Count of each Key Question response option recorded
Relational Touchpoints

Relational touchpoints are defined as any relational action taken on a contact – including actions completed, notes recorded, and answers to the Key Question. The relational touchpoints breakdown shows:

  • Total number of relational touches the Mobilizer has recorded with their contacts
  • Count and percentage of Contacts that have and have not had a recorded a relational touch by the Mobilizer
Action Item Responses

Action activity for the Mobilizer. The action item responses breakdown shows:

  • Total number of actions the Mobilizer  has completed with their contacts
  • Count and percentage of Contacts that have and have not had an action completed or recorded

A breakdown of Key Question responses including:

  • Total number of Key Question responses
  • Count and percentage of Contacts that have and have not had recorded Key Question responses
  • Count of each Key Question response option recorded

Relational touchpoints are defined as any relational action taken on a contact – including actions completed, notes recorded, and answers to the Key Question. The relational touchpoints breakdown shows:

  • Total number of relational touches the Mobilizer has recorded with their contacts
  • Count and percentage of Contacts that have and have not had a recorded a relational touch by the Mobilizer

Action activity for the Mobilizer. The action item responses breakdown shows:

  • Total number of actions the Mobilizer  has completed with their contacts
  • Count and percentage of Contacts that have and have not had an action completed or recorded

Displayed below the statistics is a timeline of activity the Mobilizer has taken in association with your Campaign. Activity is displayed from top to bottom by most recent. Filters at the top of the timeline allow you to sort activity data by a specific Contact or by an event type.

Mobilizer’s Contacts

The top of the Contacts tab displays topline statistics on total contacts added, percentage of contacts matched to the voter file, a breakdown of match status by percentage and a percentage breakdown of Key Question responses.

Below the topline statistics is a view of the Mobilizer’s Contacts that can be filtered. This table functions just like Contact Views for the Campaign – less the ability to save or export filtered views.

Mobilizer’s Notes

The Notes tab shows a list of notes left by any Admin on this specific Mobilizer. The Mobilizer will not see notes left on them in this tab.